PJ's Place


Why do pastors move around?


I'm not sure why others move; however, I can tell you why this youth pastor is moving.

In April, I received a surprise invitation to become the Illinois Conference youth director. I had just returned from a mission trip where our theme was taken from Isaiah 6:8. God was looking for someone to go, and Isaiah answered, “Here I am, send me!”

My wife, Amy, and I decided to go and look at the options. With prayer, we surrendered our journey once again to Jesus, knowing that He has our best interest in mind.

The Bible talks about Jacob wrestling with God. I never quite understood what that would feel like until this decision. Back and forth. Back and forth. Wondering, “God, where are You leading and guiding? What is best for our family and ministry?”

We felt that God was calling us to Illinois, and we decided to answer, “Here we are, send us!” From the moment we made that decision, absolute peace filled my heart.

It's very difficult to say goodbye to our family here and to convey how deeply the Oregon and North Pacific Union conferences have touched our hearts and blessed our lives. We'll miss you, pray for you, and know that our God keeps us close in heart.

Youth, how do I say on paper, with enough words or emphasis, how knowing you has given so much to my life? You all make being a youth pastor for Jesus such a rewarding experience. Each day, stay close to Jesus, and remember in the difficult times and in the happy times to keep looking up! Jesus is coming back. And if you happen to be traveling near Chicago, Illinois, stop by. I have candy for you.

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Featured in: June 2005