RVAS Senior Academy Approved by NAD

Rogue Valley Adventist School (RVAS) passed a milestone in its goal of becoming one of the few NPUC K–12 schools when the North American Division visiting committee approved its senior academy status on March 1.

This approval means an extensive upgrade to the physical facilities and academic curriculum while keeping the focus the same: providing a safe environment in which caring Christian teachers point their students to the creator God.

Some of the physical improvements include a major chemistry lab renovation scheduled for completion by mid-June, the addition of a high school recreation room, and an auto mechanics/wood shop remodel.

Eighth- and 12th-graders raised funds and provided the labor for the school entrance retaining wall. They will also help landscape the area in the near future.

Some of the academic changes include adding three new full-time faculty positions. The staff additions will allow RVAS to provide both music and physical education for the entire student body. The music programs include three bell choirs in addition to vocal choirs and band. The physical education program includes not only required classes for all grades but also an after-school intramurals program and interscholastic sports through Oregon Student Activities Association membership.

The first RVAS high school graduation in 49 years was held June 12.

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Featured in: July 2005