Medford Missions

Medford Church members were blessed by a special Sabbath emphasizing global evangelism.

Ron Watts, Southern Asian Division president, gave a stirring message during the church service, and Don Noble, Maranatha Volunteers International president, spoke of Maranatha’s plan to build 1,000 churches in 1,000 days and how God has provided the financial means.

Dick Madsen, Gospel Workers director, and Arnold Pflugard, a gospel worker, reported that Gospel Workers are now serving in 200 countries.

Bruce Johnston, recently returned from Ethiopia, told of our young Travis Sandefur, who had never preached a sermon, being used by God to replace a pastor unable to come. Sandefur says he was too busy to be scared. The overall effort in Ethiopia harvested 1,291 baptisms.

Steve Cool has made several trips to India and a recent one to Nepal. Working in the health field, he was instrumental in gathering two shipping containers of medical supplies to help Scheer Memorial Hospital.

The India 100 village campaign last February brought 31,000 new baptized members into the church.

The Medford Church continues to emphasize and support global evangelism, both by dedicated physical presence and generous financial contributions, so the gospel can reach all the world.

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Featured in: August 2005
