"Kingdom of the Son" Comes to Caldwell

Children from the Treasure Valley took a walk on the wild side at Kingdom of the Son Vacation Bible School held at the Caldwell Adventist Church July 18–22. During this spectacular prayer safari kids journeyed through the Serengeti—the magnificent grassland region of Tanzania and Kenya. They discovered exotic animals, created safari crafts, played exciting games, sang upbeat songs and enjoyed delicious safari snacks!

And while kids were having safari fun, they also learned to talk to God as they explored the Lord’s Prayer, and went on an expedition into the pages of God’s Word.

“We had an average of 50 children per day,” says Becky Bindernagel, director, “and 12 of those children were unchurched. We included a salvation message in every lesson to help lead kids to Jesus.”

At the Friday evening graduation ceremony, 48 students received their graduation certificates and free tickets to the Boise Zoo as their prize for perfect attendance. “The kids were so excited!” says Jeanne Jarnes, teacher. “To them it seemed like they had won a million bucks!”

Travis, a VBS student, said, "I never knew what the Lord’s Prayer was until I came to VBS. Now I know how to pray and talk to God myself.”

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Featured in: September 2005
