Unusual Situation Brings Rejoicing to Sweet Home and Lebanon Churches

On Sabbath, July 9, a rare event occurred at the Sweet Home Church: a young pastor was installed in his first district after serving as interim pastor there for six months. “You don’t often see this,” said Randy Robinson, Oregon Conference vice president for finance, who served as the conference representative at the dedication service. “But at such a young age, Allan Nielsen has demonstrated a very clear call to pastoral ministry.”

Nielsen completed a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University in 2004 and came by request to serve as the interim pastor for the Sweet Home and Lebanon churches, while they searched for a new full-time minister. As his term of service drew to a close, the churches’ search committee had narrowed the list of candidates to three; Nielsen was third on that list. However, before the committee could even interview the other two individuals, they had chosen other ministry opportunities. “If the Lord shut two doors, He must have opened the door for Allan Nielsen,” said Karl Brower, Lebanon Church head elder. “We didn’t even interview; we just accepted him.”

According to Brower, Nielsen is a very spiritual pastor who is deeply committed to and involved in his churches. “His sermons are thought-provoking, and he supports church programs. I hope we can keep him for a few years.”

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Featured in: September 2005
