Fuel for Fathers

"Free gas? What's the catch? Are you serious? What do we do?" These questions and others like them were heard frequently on Fathers' Day this past June from 10 a.m. to noon right here in Roseburg. Those holding signs in front of the Chevron station on Garden Valley, waved cars in. "It's REALLY free!" Drivers stopped long enough to ask why, incredulously, while other drivers were willing to accept a gift of the "golden" necessary fuel.

They were met at the pumps by TurningPoint friends and handed a hot pink $4 coupon for free gas and a TurningPoint connection card reminding them "God's love is free, just like this small gift!"

Several participating in this event were trying kindness evangelism for the first time. Their response: it was lots of fun! We met a young mother looking for a home church and had great visits with others who stopped by. The attendants pumping gas flew around the pumps, including a young rookie, her second day on the job. They were happy about the small gift certificates we gave them and reported enjoying themselves despite the frantic pace.

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Featured in: October 2005
