Miracles at He's Alive Television

He’s Alive Television recently received a direct answer to prayer. The staff had been perplexed for several months about how to solve a problem. The station needed quality programming but didn’t have the proper equipment or the funds to buy the equipment. Potential donors offered to donate funds but only after the program quality improved.

Then the College Place Village Church donated three cameras. The He’s Alive Television staff members were excited, but with blessings often come challenges. In order to be fully functional, the cameras needed various equipment estimated to cost $6,500.

At the next board meeting, the members decided to step out in faith. They voted to spend $6,500 to make the cameras production-ready, even though they didn’t have the funds. “I know that God will provide,” said Kathy Marson, a board member.

Unknown to the board members, someone had applied for a grant for the television station, and they received $5,000 in grant funds. The same day, Joe Stanfill, station manager, went to buy a piece of equipment that he estimated would cost $3,000. He found it for $1,000. Since that time, he has been able to make that $5,000 stretch for all the equipment needed to make two of the cameras production-ready.

The He’s Alive Television board members prayed together and thanked God for His faithfulness and generosity. He’s Alive Television is looking forward to discovering how God will bless His television ministry in the future.

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Featured in: October 2005
