UCA Student Leaders Launch School-Year Theme

Using Phil. 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,” Upper Columbia Academy student leaders have chosen “No Limits” as the school theme for this year.

“There are two messages here,” says Cody Lonning, ASB president. “One is that there’s no limit to what God can do for you, but another one is that you shouldn’t limit yourself when God’s calling you to do something. It challenges people to think about how far they are willing to go with God in areas such as money and tithing or even in career choices.”

Student leaders, including dorm RAs and ASB officers, arrived on campus several days ahead of registration to do some serious planning and praying for the new year. Choosing a theme for the year was a new idea for UCA. Students believe it will help create a sense of school spirit and expand opportunities to explore the never-ending supply of God’s love and power. The theme also gives opportunities to look at “contrast” ideas, such as the need for setting appropriate limits or boundaries.

The theme was introduced to the new student body during the worship that began the traditional “Welcome Back Bash.” Students’ enthusiasm over the idea was strengthened by a catchy theme song, written by senior Kevin Riffel. Along with quality student leadership, the Lord is blessing UCA with climbing enrollment and extremely high staff retention this year.

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Featured in: October 2005
