Glacier View School in Ronan Starts with 23 Students

Glacier View Adventist Christian School began the year with 23 students. A kindergarten class was added, and an additional teacher, Stacey Mohr Duffield, a new Walla Walla College elementary education graduate, was hired. The Ronan Church family worked hard to clean, repair, and get the school ready for the new school year.

An unchurched eighth-grader from the community wrote the following for a Bible class assignment. "The Holy Spirit has changed me from turning dark. Before I came to this school I didn't know a lot about God the Father or the Holy Spirit. I knew some, but not as much as I know now. I have found myself praying more often. I am happier, and I have found a whole new me has been created. I really just want to let God know that I appreciate all that He and the Holy Spirit have done for me. They saved me from doing what Satan wanted me to do. I am really happy. And I know the Holy Spirit is going to keep teaching me things. The Holy Spirit is going to remind me of what God says in the Bible."

Glacier View students and teachers have pledged to provide staples for Christmas baskets for 200 families.

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Featured in: December 2005
