The Power of Prayer 777 Friendship Evangelistic Festival

When An-Marie Kromminga first heard about the 777 commitment, she deliberated before she signed on. She didn’t want to make a promise that she might not be able to keep. Ultimately she made a positive commitment.

When the 777 Friendship Evangelistic Festival came along, An-Marie and 300 others eagerly attended. The festival, planned to encourage those active in soul-winning and especially those who made the 777 commitment, was held at the Moses Lake Crestview Christian School.

At the festival, Gary Gibbs, founder of the Amazing Facts School of Evangelism, shared vignettes from the hurricane-torn areas of Louisiana and Bass Memorial Academy. He compared how people didn’t heed the warnings of the Katrina tragedy to the end-time warnings from Scripture.

Max Torkelsen, Upper Columbia Conference president, explained the 777 commitment—to spend seven minutes in prayer each day, seven hours in Bible study each week, and to make seven outreach friendships a year.

An-Marie prayed for seven individuals and began to see results. One individual came to church, another started attending a Monday night meeting with her, and another had a change in attitude.

“I see God softening hearts and changing the lives of everyone for whom I’m praying,” An-Marie said.

The 777 Friendship Evangelistic Festival was full to overflowing with real-life stories of how God uses willing individuals to make a difference in the lives of ordinary people.

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Featured in: December 2005


Kathy Marson

Upper Columbia Conference communication administrative assistant