Arctic Missions Adventure Update

Annual Northwest Alaska Missions Offering: Northwest members gave more than $33,000 for the Alaska Conference mission outreach to the native villages. Praise God for the blessing of God through His people. These offerings have helped to support the salaries of church school teachers and the high cost of outreach in the Alaska native villages.

Togiak Church: This year due to the blessing of God we plan to invest in the long-hoped-for Togiak multi-purpose building project. The proposed building in Togiak will house a worship center, living quarters, and children’s ministry space. Funds will be added to the $44,000 in hand for the $100,000 cost of this project. The materials must be ordered in February for delivery by ocean barge to Togiak by early June. The frame-up is scheduled for July 25 to Aug. 25.

The Goal: To create a vibrant ministry in a number of Alaskan villages by volunteers who are trained in native culture and who are committed to making an eternal difference.

Want to help? Contact Jim Kincaid, Alaska Conference, 6100 O’Malley Road, Anchorage, AK 99507; (907) 346-1004;

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Featured in: February 2006
