Northwest Members Give $269,000 for Katrina Relief

Giving frees us from the familiar territory of our own needs by opening our minds to the unexplained worlds occupied by the needs of others. —Barbara Bush

Trouble brings out the worst in some people, and the best in others. Last year’s hurricane and flood disasters in the southern states brought out the best in Northwest Adventist members. While images of the mounting damage flooded the media, many Northwest Adventists heeded Barbara Bush’s advice and got busy.

In the first wave of offerings specifically for the hurricane disaster relief, Northwest members dug deep, contributing more than $216,000 through their local churches. And that’s not all. During the special NPUC-wide Nov. 26 offering to aid in rebuilding churches and schools, Northwest Adventists gave an additional $53,000. Much more may actually have been given, for these figures do not include donations given directly to relief organizations or via the Internet.

Adventist Community Services leaders such as NPUC ACS director, Dennis Olsen, and Oregon’s Marilyn Renk, organized on-site relief efforts. Adventist educators and their students also mobilized to help where possible.

Northwest Adventists have often led the way in giving both time and money to worldwide missions. That same spirit was evident as members throughout our local churches recognized these domestic disasters as another kind of “mission” and rose to the challenge.

Challenges still exist for our friends in the South, and we do not yet know what other events 2006 will bring. We do know God promises when we give, “it shall be given, pressed down and running over.” And, somehow, in the process of giving, growth happens. As Ellen White said, “The only way to grow in grace is to do the very work Christ has enjoined upon us to do—interestedly engaged to the very extent of our ability to be helping and blessing those who need the help we can give them” (My Life Today, p. 103).

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Featured in: February 2006


Steve Vistaunet

North Pacific Union assistant to the president for communication and Gleaner editor, 1996–2019