Prospective Students Join Downtown Scavenger Hunt

Ready. Set. Search! Attempting to beat the clock, 95 prospective students left the Walla Walla College (WWC) College Place campus to scour downtown Walla Walla for clues while playing a scavenger hunt-style game called “The Amazing Place,” a spin-off of the television show The Amazing Race, which entered its ninth season this year.

“The Amazing Place” was one of many College Days events held at WWC in March. Developed by Marlene Baerg, WWC engineering recruitment director, it was a way to introduce prospective students to the area.

During the game, students split up into teams to follow a series of clues found at different locations on campus and at downtown businesses. Students were encouraged to use the local mass transit system, Valley Transit, to reach their destinations and to ask Walla Walla residents for help with the clues. The first team that correctly identified all the clues and reached their final destination within the time limit was declared the winner.

Amy Schafer, a prospective student from British Columbia, said she had visited the college before but had never had such close encounters with local residents. “The people here are really nice,” she said.

Other College Days events included campus tours, class visits, athletic tryouts, scholarship contests, worship services, and sports and drama events.

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Featured in: May 2006
