Tepic Mission Trip Students from Milo in Mexico for Two Weeks

Milo Adventist Academy's mission trip to Tepic, Mexico, was two memorable weeks of work, prayer, evangelism, and naturally, some play. During spring break in March, 25 students flew from Portland to Guadalajara, Mexico, quickly loaded a bus, and headed out to Tepic, our final destination.

The next day they started work on the church. The structure was already built, so the main project was laying the floor and plastering the walls. The crew spent many hours mixing mortar by hand. Those who didn’t mix helped by hauling in the buckets of water and sand.

Some of the students left the construction zone to lead prayer meetings at a local Adventist school. They sang, told stories, and played with the kids. Some even helped teach English classes.

The evenings were spent helping with evangelistic meetings and Vacation Bible School. These meetings included adults, youth and children. Different Milo students led out each night.

“The nighttime meetings were great! It was fun to be able to interact with teens of another language and culture,” remembers Andy Jones. "The people were very hospitable and loving and truly accepted us as brothers in Christ. Consistently they showed us remarkable kindness."

Shaun Wilkens was impressed with their positive attitudes and generosity, “They were nice, friendly people, especially the man who gave us watermelon one day.” They were, as Justin Woods, put it, “the kindest people I’ve ever met.”

As a reward for their hard work, the students went on a one-day trip to Puerto Vallarta.

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Featured in: June 2006
