A Higher Standard

God calls His children to a higher standard than what is promoted in our world today. We have adopted this “Higher Standard” of excellence as our school motto at Caldwell Adventist Elementary School (CAES). In faith, learning, citizenship and life our students learn skills that will allow them to reflect Jesus’ character.

Our school is a praying school. Before our school year began, the school board, members of our constituent churches, parents and teachers gathered to walk through the school praying for the families and the students that would be part of our school family. Prayer is a vital part of our school, and teachers and students pray with and for each other throughout the day.

We believe that students learn best by getting involved with the curriculum. This year our school has focused on the United States. The first- and second-graders studied Colonial Williamsburg. The third- and fourth-grade students focused on a region of the U.S. and shared information and products from that area. The students in grades five through eight studied specific states in-depth, writing reports, creating PowerPoint presentations and other visual creations to represent their state.

Our Christ-centered focus leads to action within our community. This year our students helped in a variety of ways, from raking leaves for people in the neighborhood around our school, to distributing brochures for an evangelistic crusade at our local church, to adopting grandparents at a care facility. By demonstrating compassion, generosity, and love to those around them, students develop valuable life skills that they will have for eternity.

Helping students be ready for this world and for eternity is our goal at CAES.

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Featured in: July 2006
