Montana Camp Meeting 2006

"The Church Triumphant” was the theme for this year's Montana Conference Camp Meeting. About 675 adults came Sabbath morning and as many as 200 kids.

Clifford Goldstein, the Adult Sabbath Study Guides editor, was the speaker Wednesday through Sabbath evening.

Many quality programs were offered during the day. Afternoon seminars included presentations by:

Cindy Tutsch, General Conference Ellen G. White Estate associate director.

Jeff Wilson, General Conference trust services director.

Dr. Fred Hardinge, It Is Written Internet ministries director.

Greg Hamilton, North Pacific Union Conference public affairs and religious liberty director.

Camp meeting was a real highlight for the kids again this year. Steve Little from Saskatchewan, Canada, was the main speaker for the youth. During the day, some of the kids went to the water slides; others to Bozeman Hot Springs. There were softball games and sled dogs pulling sleds around campus. And yes, they were led closer to Jesus Christ!

Evangelism Hour was popular again this year—a time to make sure we are fulfilling our conference mission: “We are committed to evangelism, and to nurturing, training and equipping our churches, schools, and individuals for service, ministry and growth.” New members excitedly shared their stories of how they were led to Christ and what the church meant to them. Between stories, we were blessed by various special musical presentations.

When asked if the church will triumph (in reference to the camp meeting theme), John Loor, Montana Conference president, says, “Absolutely! The challenge is for us to be in the vessel when the ship comes into port.” Loor said, “It is my desire that the presentations reinforce our thinking that God is in control of His church and that it will triumph in the end.”

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Featured in: August 2006
