VBS Revived in Oroville

The Oroville (Wash.) Church decided they would like to offer a Vacation Bible School after at least 10 years without doing one. There wasn't a lot of time to prepare, but the church members decided to have their VBS July 10–14.

The Goldens in the Brewster Church helped supply props and supplies. More supplies came from the Omak Church, along with the help of Jeff Crain, Omak/Oroville/Tonasket pastor who was “Serengeti Eddy,” and his children Alyssa and Joey. Linda Tomarere led out in the “Mane Event.” George Davis and Clara May Watrous, from the Tonasket Church, led out in games and played the piano, respectively. From the Oroville Church, Dencia Hunter was in charge of crafts, Peggy Buis and Alma Bingner were at the registration table, Art Ralls was in charge of Chadder’s Theater, Pat Scott told African stories, Don and Cheri McMeekin helped with snacks, and Esther Scott led out in the singing.

On Monday we were all set and ready to go…but no children came, except for the pastor’s children. It seems that five churches in the Oroville area had together held a VBS two weeks earlier with 80 in attendance. We also found out that swimming lessons were going on at this time, so we prayed some more and decided not to give up. We stayed around for an hour or so and decided to come back the next day.

Three girls came on Tuesday, so we went ahead with the program. We encouraged them to bring friends and the attendance doubled the next day. We know the Lord sent us these children and blessed our efforts.

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Featured in: September 2006
