Small Church Makes Big Impact in India

The Touchet Church in Southeastern Washington only has 50 members, but they have a sense of mission. One family who attends the Touchet Church became short-term missionaries to several villages in India with Gospel Outreach Ministries. The Saulsbury family came back with glowing reports of successful evangelistic meetings with thousands of baptisms.

In the Indian culture, churches need to be built in their villages to help these new converts remain strong in the faith. So the Touchet Church took up the challenge to sponsor a sister church in India at a cost of $3,000. A church was built in Bhimanapalli Village with their donations. But since the church had raised more than enough, they decided to adopt another sister church in Tadakamalla Village.

But Touchet didn’t stop there! They had nearly half the amount needed for a third sister church, and it only took a few weeks before enough funds were raised to complete that project. If a little church with only 50 members can do that, imagine what a big church could do!

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Featured in: October 2006
