New DVD Traces Northwest Adventist History NW Spotlight on Mission Available Now

The Northwest Spotlight on Mission DVD was sent in late October to key leaders in each church in the North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) and features a half-hour special report tracing the historical highlights of Adventist growth within the Northwest.

This video report, featured at the Oct. 1 NPUC constituency session, tells the story of how the Adventist message came West with a lonely woman, the only believer in her family. It visually portrays the spread of this message from the Walla Walla Valley to Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Alaska, and the growth of educational institutions and hospitals. It challenges each of us to "Share the Light" in new and creative ways.

Three additional video segments on the DVD feature short testimonies and experiences in soul-winning. And if you or your church have been timid about sharing Jesus, you'll want to enjoy together the humorous, yet pointed "Power Pit" segment, a visual parable about the importance of getting in shape spiritually.

If you haven't had the opportunity to see this DVD, ask your pastor, head elder or Sabbath School superintendent for it.

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Featured in: December 2006


Todd Gessele

Former North Pacific Union associate communication director