Men of Faith Return to Milo Darold Bigger and Robert Folkenberg Make Alumni Weekend a Spiritual Feast

Several hundred alumni returned to Milo Adventist Academy at its newly-scheduled homecoming time in October.

Darold Bigger, Class of '62 and currently a Walla Walla College Theology department professor, spoke Friday night. He shared lessons he learned about himself following his daughter’s tragic murder. His powerful testimony of forgiveness and righteousness by faith learned from this experience opened many minds to a new appreciation of God’s redemption.

Robert Folkenberg, Class of '58 and former General Conference president, spoke for the worship service. Folkenberg emphasized that the No. 1 reason parents send their children to Adventist schools is so that they might see them in the kingdom. His research has shown that enrollment in our schools has a positive correlation to the difference between the Adventist institutions and the public schools. "The more alike they are, the less they are willing to send them. The more different they are, the more people are lined up to come."

Folkenburg’s sermon asserted that only one sin exists: putting our will above God’s will. Biblical and personal examples helped make this a life-changing message.

Throughout the day, honored classes met around campus. Alumni officers were voted in at the Saturday evening banquet. Everyone was entertained after the banquet by the alumni proving their experience over the new varsity basketball teams.

Students and alumni agreed that they had truly been spiritually blessed and that bonds of friendship had been strengthened.

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Featured in: January 2007