Baby Dedications Evert Babies

We were blessed with a special baby dedication in our Inchelium (Wash.) Church. John Evert, retired paster and his wife, Evelyn, who have been missionaries most of their lives, were honored to dedicate two great-grandsons to God while here from Africa.

The grandparents, Will and Janet Evert, Young Disciples Ministries, and Janet's mother, Phyllis Potts (a former missionary) were also present.

The first child, Caleb (parents Ted and Cristina Evert) was born just a few days before Christian (parents Tony and Silvia Evert). Christian joins sister Hannah. John and Evelyn Evert were near the end of their stay so God richly blessed them as everything fell into place. A sad note: Since the dedication, John Evert died of leukemia in Africa.

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Featured in: March 2007
