Livingstone Student Wins Poster Contest

Joel Robinson, an eighth grader at Livingstone Adventist Academy, won an art contest for his poster on recycling. His class collects and manages recycling for the entire school. So it was no surprise when teacher Sharon Cutz asked students to submit some pictures for the 2007 Recycle Art Calendar contest.

But Robinson was surprised when he won. “I didn't think that I would win the contest, but out of the blue, my picture got to be in the 2007 recycling calendar!" In addition to having his poster put into the calendar, Robinson also won a monetary reward.

The theme of the poster contest was “It all comes back to you.”

“I drew a simple picture of a dude putting some old recycled junk into this machine,” says Robinson. “On the other side came out a couple things made out of recycled stuff.”

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Featured in: March 2007
