Dedication of Production Studio He’s Alive Television, KHBA Channel 39

Sitting behind a camera, I was excited to witness and videotape the dedication for the new production studio for He’s Alive Television, Sabbath, Feb. 3. I was looking at a mission field—the set of the new production studio—beginning to perform the work of God in the lives of many who hold His trust dear to their hearts. Pastors and directors, elders and musicians all came into focus through the camera lens. It reminded me of what Paul said, “We are the theater of the universe,” because from behind the camera you kind of get that other world feel, if you think about it.

I heard the story of how God has led He’s Alive Television in the past from Marlo Fralick, one of the founding board members. The miracles of God have been plentiful, and they reminded me of my family's experience. We were led back to Christ through Christian television when we were too embarrassed to return to church.

For the dedication, Spokane East Central Church pastor Colin Dunbar requested that the elders and pastors from the constituent churches come forward and kneel. We could feel the Holy Spirit descend on the production studio as Dunbar asked specifically for God’s blessing and direction for the station. He prayed for those who won’t yet walk into a church—the homebound, the unchurched, the drug addicts and others.

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Featured in: April 2007


Ross Brower

Spokane Valley Church member and He's Alive Television volunteer