Prineville Church Sponsors Marathon Clinic

The Adventist Marathon Clinic, an inclusive community health and fitness program, is a new ministry at the Prineville Church. Divided into thee levels of 12-week training programs, March 10 marked the start with a free beginner’s seminar at 6:30 p.m. and a free walk/jog orientation at 7 a.m. March 11.

The clinic is a scientific, safe, supervised, modular aerobic exercise program using walking and jogging to improve the cardiorespiratory system of the participants and helping them reach certain health and fitness goals. Originally organized by lay Seventh-day Adventist professionals in Iloilo City, Philippines, in 1982, the clinic was patterned after the world-renowned Honolulu Marathon Clinic.

The current Adventist Marathon Clinic program has been developed over the last 22 years by Fred S. Hosillos, co-founder/director of the Summit Club Marathon Clinic in Iloilo City, Philippines. Hosillos started the Adventist Marathon Clinic in Los Angeles in 1984.

The clinic meets every Sunday morning and participants receive instruction on proper long-distance walking or jogging techniques. Other subjects are proper hydration, diet, stretching and stress management. Class presenters are local allied health professionals.

After each 12-week program, the participants are encouraged to participate in local events such as 5K, 10K, half marathon, or a full marathon, depending on their level of readiness. The favorite marathon of the clinic is the world-class Honolulu Marathon in December because it is user-friendly to walkers and late finishers.

Since the Adventist Marathon Clinic is open to the community, the Prineville Church members expect the clinic to generate interest in other classes about cooking, quitting smoking and parenting. For further information, call Fred Hosillos at (541) 447-9850.

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Featured in: April 2007