3ABN Plays Part in Bringing Family to Eugene Church

Well, 3ABN has done it again! At least it had a part in bringing one family to the Eugene Church.

The story begins in 2002 when Emmett McCutchenne started working on his doctorate at the University of Oregon in Eugene. Two years later, in 2004, he had a dream that he needed to be baptized. Because his wife Marydith was Catholic, they began attending a Catholic church. Meanwhile, Marydith had been watching 3ABN in November of 2004 when she learned about the Sabbath.

Emmett was familiar with Adventists and some of their beliefs from earlier in his life. Gradually Emmett and Marydith became convicted of the Sabbath, so they started attending the Eugene Church in February 2005. After attending and studying with others at the church, Emmett, Marydith, their son, David, and daughter, Maribel, were baptized on Aug. 12, 2006, by Gregory Middlestetter, Eugene Church pastor. They now live in California, and their children are attending an Adventist school near Windsor.

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Featured in: May 2007
