Preparing to ShareHIM

The Montana Conference, in December 2006, entered into an exciting partnership with ShareHIM, a supporting ministry specializing in providing training and tools for lay people and pastors to conduct international and homeland evangelistic reaping events. ShareHIM is directed by Robert Folkenberg Sr. This partnership fits perfectly with our Montana Conference emphasis on building soul-winning momentum during the next five years.

The conference kicked off the 2007 soul-winning year with four ShareHIM rallies conducted throughout its territory. The first rally was hosted by the Ronan Church at the Glacier View Adventist Christian School Sabbath, Jan. 27, for western Montana.

More than 300 people were challenged by Folkenberg's powerful sermon, "It's Beginning to Rain." His sermon focused on the message and mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and was based on the biblical passage of Romans 10. He preached, "We can't believe and be quiet!" He challenged us to defy the status quo and get out of our comfort zones to share Jesus with those who are lost.

Nearly 200 people stayed for the afternoon rally led by Folkenberg and his associate Harold Kehney. It was exciting to see so many people eagerly receiving tools and instruction for sharing Jesus and the Three Angels' Message in Montana. Local church outreach leadership teams met during the rallies to set dates for future reaping events and to view the sowing resource catalogue on DVD provided by ShareHIM.

Three additional ShareHIM rallies were conducted in Billings, Bozeman and Great Falls in February by Montana Conference president John Loor Jr. and Montana Conference Church Ministries director David Prest Jr. Almost 10 percent of our conference membership representing two-thirds of our churches attended the four ShareHIM Rallies.

A ShareHIM Boot Camp of Evangelism was conducted March 9–11 in Bozeman at the Mt. Ellis Adventist Elementary School. About 140 people met for this intensive weekend of instruction to learn how to preach and conduct an evangelistic reaping event. "These were individuals who were serious about wanting to learn how to present the Three Angels' Message. I praise God for that kind of commitment of our lay people. Truly, God will finish this work not with pastors, but with our laymen going mightily forward for Christ," said Loor.

Benny Moore and Don Folkenberg of ShareHIM served as the lead instructors for the weekend. Additional instructors were Loor, Prest and Raymond Jimenez, III, Montana Conference vice president. Relevant and practical topics included how to make appeals, how to do home visitation and technology issues. There was also time for practicing evangelistic preaching.

"I read a statement in the book, Evangelism, p. 115," Loor said, "which says, ‘In our churches let companies be formed for service.… The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort is a plan that has been presented before me by One who cannot err…Let the members be formed into small companies, to work not only for the church members but for unbelievers also.' This is exactly what ShareHIM is all about. I'm really excited to see how God will use our members to further the work of Jesus here in Montana."

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Featured in: May 2007
