Salmon Church Meetings Attracts 52 Visitors and 20 Children

Excitement grew among the members of the Salmon (Idaho) Church as they watched friends, neighbors, spouses and invitees attend the 10-night satellite broadcast of the Most Amazing Prophecies seminar with Doug Batchelor, Amazing Facts speaker/director, last fall. As the meetings progressed through riveting topics of prophecy, attendees returned and more came, until the third night church member Arlene Hamilton reported, “We have a wonderful...dilemma. We ran out of lessons tonight!”

About 20 children attended the Truth for Youth meetings, a multimedia presentation interspersed with songs and followed by activities. In their meetings, the children were learning about the same prophecies as their parents were studying upstairs. Teens from the school helped with child care and crafts.

Members had prepared for the seminar by handing out flyers door to door, displaying colorful posters around town, advertising in the local newspaper, and hanging a large banner in front of the church.

But the members knew who really was responsible for drawing 92 people (52 who were not members) to the seminar: the Holy Spirit. They had asked for His blessing before passing out the invitations; they had asked for His influence over those attending at the “Circle of Light” prayer time; they had gathered to pray for each person coming at the beginning of each meeting.

“This has never happened before,” one member said above the buzz of conversation in the church lobby one night.

Following the seminar, Tom Lighthall, Salmon Church pastor, baptized 90-year-old Harold Embree, and is preparing others for baptism at this time. Four Bible study groups, organized at the close of the seminar, continue to meet weekly. Some are using the Prophecy Code series with Batchelor, reviewing some former topics and covering additional ones.

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Featured in: May 2007