BVCS Students and Hamilton Church Members Work Together

The playground at Blodgett View Christian School was ready for a facelift. The equipment was aging and becoming unsafe for the kids. In addition, the equipment was so spread out that it made it difficult for teachers to monitor the kids. So the Home and School led by Joanne Jones decided some new equipment and a better location were needed.

The first year was spent raising funds for the new equipment. Jones, Brenda Lane and Charlene Twist raised enough money to purchase the climbing dome, fun hoop and net climber. During the second year, fundraising continued under the direction of Lane, Tammy Harris, Heather Few and Brenda Sheppler. And then it was time to start installing the new equipment.

The swing set stayed in its location, and everything else has joined it. In the fall, the climber dome, fun hoop and net climber were put up. The Hamilton Church members came out to help move the play equipment closer together and put the wood chips down for safety. The fun began as the wood chips started coming, truckload after truckload. The kids, when they weren't playing in the chips, helped to spread them too.

Spring brought the pull-up bars and a new platform with all kinds of accessories. The platform took awhile to install, but the kids waited patiently. They had fun trying to guess what accessory it was going to be and where it would go. Finally the day came when they could play on the set. The kids rushed to the new platform play set by going up, down and everywhere. It was great to see God's children playing in a safe area.

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Featured in: July 2007
