Finding Peace and Safety A Client's Story

After 17 years of marriage, my husband's controlling and domineering behavior exploded in a terrifying episode of abusive anger. My young son locked himself in the bathroom during the abuse.

During the next few days while I tried to hide the bruises from friends and co-workers, I walked around in a state of shock. We were the "happy family next door" type of people who were both leaders in our church and places of employment.

He promised it would never happen again all the while trying to explain to me why it was my fault.

This was just the beginning of two years of horror. I kept trying to make excuses for him and praying that God would change him.

My eyes were opened one day by my 10-year-old son. I watched him mimic his father in an explosive incident while playing with his stuffed animals. My heart froze and I knew right then that I could not let him grow up to be an abusive husband and father. I had to stop the cycle right then.

My pastor shared with me about Cookie's Retreat Center and my life has never been the same. My son and I have learned so much as we enjoy the peace and safety here in this God-ordained home.

My husband is seeking professional help, and I am praying that God will heal our family. Thank you and God bless everyone who has donated to make this place possible for us.

If you are reading this and your current life situation sounds a lot like mine was, call Cookie's Retreat Center's toll-free Hotline at 1 (866) 625-6333.

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Featured in: August 2007
