Montana Celebrates The Lord of the Harvest At Camp Meeting 2007

"Are you ready to pray a radical prayer?" Derek Morris, Forest Lake Church (Fla.) senior pastor asked at the evening meetings, "a prayer that will change your life?" Morris, the main speaker for the event, challenged the audience to beg the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest field. (Luke 10:2) But the life-changing twist was to give God permission to begin with us, to send us into His harvest field, wherever that might be. When you become willing to go wherever God leads and do whatever he might ask, amazing things will happen.

Morris shared many stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things in God's service. Montanans were eager to accept the challenge, and demonstrated so by coming forward to the altar in an act of dedication to God's service.

The story of Zeke Kleinsasser from Lewistown, Mont., and his conversion was a special highlight of the Sabbath afternoon evangelism hour. Finding a complete set of the Conflict of the Ages series in the garbage was a defining moment in Zeke's life and was instrumental in his conversion and eventual baptism, just one week before camp meeting.

Montanans are looking forward to an exciting year serving God wherever he places us and as He uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

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Featured in: August 2007
