Alaska Mission History, 1896–1983 Book Becomes a Reality

After a lifetime of collecting articles, books, photos, and personal notes and letters, Nadine Hansen, Alaska Conference office secretary and wife of Joseph Hansen, Alaska Mission president from 1961 to 1974, will see her dream come true. Her book, Alaska Mission History, 1896–1983: The Beginnings of Seventh-day Adventist Work in Alaska is now available.

Four years ago Jeanie Kriegelstein, Alaska Conference department secretary, called to ask Hansen to write a short history for the conference Web page. "I off-handedly retorted that I had enough stuff to write a book!" said Hansen. "I didn't mean I was offering to do a book but Jeanie jumped on that idea, and I have been working on the book since then. If I had not been asked it would not have mattered how much "history" I had collected. I know I would not have tackled the job, but I feel honored to have done it."

One of Hansen's passions was the development of Adventist work in bush Alaska. She has requested that all proceeds beyond the actual cost of producing the book be spent in revitalizing the Arctic mission field within Alaska.

Contact the Alaska Conference office at (907) 346-1004 to find out how you can obtain one of these books.

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Featured in: September 2007
