Unique Gifts and a Heart for Service

"This is what we're here for—to be of help and to serve others," says Florence Bell, leader of the staff at the Dorcas Boutique on the Gladstone Campground. The Dorcas Boutique shared a building this year with Women's Ministries, just across from the Plaza Pavilion.

Bell and her team are all volunteers and active in Community Services programs in their home churches. The Dorcas Boutique is, in fact, an activity of the various local Community Services groups. Volunteers in each church make quilts or other crafts and donate them for sale at the boutique. Donations also included various decorations and ornaments, children's clothing, linens and toys.

Ninety percent of the money from sales at the Dorcas Boutique returns to the local Community Services organizations to purchase food and clothing for those in need. In 2006, total sales were $13,000 with the most ever raised at $15,000. Organizers this year were hoping to exceed that amount.

The Dorcas Boutique supports the 17 contributing Community Services organizations (from Longview to Canyonville to Coos Bay) in their ministry. Bell says the best part of her job is meeting people, including Christians of other faiths, former Adventists, and the unchurched. She and her fellow workers are able to meet their needs, and "the whole thing is they know you care." She encourages people to consider how they can help with Community Services in their areas.

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Featured in: September 2007
