A Friendship Brings Woman to Christ

Ruth Berthleson, 89 and a charter member of the Dillon Church, is a great example of how the gift of friendship can lead someone to know Jesus. Ruth's home is right behind the "Calf-A" restaurant, and she became acquainted with Rosa or "Rosie," who worked there. Rosie lived 57 miles away in Dell so when Ruth suggested that she would like to have someone to stay with her at night, Rosie was glad to help. She also helped Ruth with her housework and stayed with her when she had surgery. Ruth faithfully watched 3ABN, and soon Rosie was watching it too.

During those four years that Rosie worked in Dillon, she become friends with Ruth's pastor. He ordered the Amazing Facts lessons for her, which she enjoyed. She began to view Ruth's pastor as her pastor and Ruth's church as her church. Meanwhile, the church family in Dillon continued praying for Rosie.

Last fall she called the pastor to say that after six years of remission her lymphoma had come back. Always upbeat, she assured him that she had confidence in God and that she had committed her life to Him. She wanted to get 3ABN, so the pastor arranged for someone to install it. The treatments seemed successful, and Rosie returned to work part-time.

Just before camp meeting she told the pastor that the cancer was back once again and that her doctor had given her only a short time to live. On his next visit, the pastor invited her to join the Adventist Church by baptism. She said, "I thought you would never ask." They talked about several possibilities, but in the end Rosie chose her own bathtub.

She called her neighbors, friends and family. On Thursday, June 21, 15 people crowded into Rosie's small trailer for her baptism. Her friend, Ruth, was given the "seat" of honor. The pastor held a short service, and friends told Rosie how much she meant to them.

No one expected her to fail so quickly, but two days later on Sabbath morning, her brother Pat took her to the nursing home. On Friday morning, June 29, Rosa Roberts, 67, fell asleep in Jesus. About 80 people attended her graveside service. Her brother Pat told of her wonderful confidence in the Lord. He encouraged those there to get to know Rosie's God so that they too could meet death with her trusting faith.

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Featured in: October 2007
