Kincaids Launch Faith Ministry in Kotzebue

Jim and Linda Kincaid have once again demonstrated their passion for Adventist Native Ministries in bush Alaska by quitting their respective jobs as Alaska Conference executive secretary and accountant, packing their bags and moving to one of the coldest places in Alaska.

They are beginning a faith ministry in Kotzebue while also restarting a flying service business. Kotzebue is a hub village of 3,100 people providing a transportation link to the "outside" as well as other services.

The Kincaids are not naïve about where they are going and the hardships and challenges they will face. They are returning to this town north of the Arctic Circle and farther west than Honolulu, Hawaii, where they began their official church work as a young taskforce couple some 30 years ago. The conference owned a small church in Kotzebue at one time, and people in Kotzebue have asked for the return of Adventists. When asked why he is going back to this isolated community, Jim responded, "There are opportunities there which may not exist much longer. Besides, I may not have the energy needed for many more years."

The Kincaids have devoted their entire ministry to various positions in Alaska. They pastored in several churches before coming to the conference office where Jim served for the last 10 years as the Alaska Conference executive secretary and Linda as accountant.

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Featured in: October 2007
