Mission to Alaska Hood River Group Travels Far to Bring Joy

On July 22, a group of 12 friends started a long journey, traveling by van from Hood River, Ore., to Camp Lorraine, located on the small island of Vank in Alaska. It took three days—including 13 hours by ferry to reach Wrangell, Alaska. A small motorboat then took them and their supplies the rest of the way.

With only six days to complete a cabin and more than 20 smaller projects, work started right away. Unfortunately, some of the lumber supplies and items for the cabin were delayed in Seattle, and arrived just two and a half days before the group’s departure. Even so, the group was able to complete the cabin before the departure date.

Camp Lorraine was started more than 50 years ago on a sandy cove at a logging campsite. Camp attendance doubled this year with more than 70 kids. Hard winters have taken their toll on the buildings. Of 13 buildings on the island, six will need to be replaced or remodeled in the coming months.

For more information about the camp restoration, call Elaina Mathisen at (509) 493-1463. You may also write her at: P.O. Box 447, White Salmon, WA 98672.

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Featured in: October 2007
