Eugene Area Churches Hold Lecture Series

"I’m in love!” A lady stood before me almost jumping up and down. She was excited. She was in love—with Jesus!

It was the nearly the last evening of the nine lectures that Ty Gibson, Light Bearers Ministry speaker/co-director, presented in the Wheeler Pavilion at the Lane County Fairgrounds in Eugene. Attendance averaged 225 but some nights there were nearly twice that many people attending. More than 100 community members attended one or more evenings.

Gibson’s lecture, “See with New Eyes,” was an exploration of the love-based character of God. Even long-time Adventists who attended the lectures were amazed to learn new concepts of the depth of God’s love for humanity.

The lecture series was preceded by three nights of health lectures by Chris and Lela Lewis, both physicians, from Loma Linda, Calif. The evening presentations also included demonstrations on vegetarian cooking presented by Melissa and Iona Hernandez, Veneta members, and Blaine Fults, Springfield Church senior pastor, and his wife Lisa.

Music was also an integral part of each evening’s presentation. Rolando Santos, concert pianist, played several musical selections each evening as well as an hour-long concert (by popular demand) Sabbath evening.

Many who attended have indicated a desire to continue to study on a weekly basis, and the positive presentation of the character of God has created an enthusiasm by church members to do another area-wide evangelistic event again next year. This year’s outreach project was jointly sponsored by the churches in Eugene, Springfield, Pleasant Hill, Santa Clara, Junction City, Veneta, Eugene Spanish, Eugene Korean and Fall Creek.

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Featured in: November 2007
