We're Coming to Your Church

Just a couple of years ago, when the president of the Hope Channel asked me to do another evangelistic series for satellite, I was reluctant to agree. But then came the events of last year which prompted me to take every opportunity to present the timely message God has given us to share with our world.

What a Difference a Year Makes

As you know, last year I was in a battle for my life with cancer. I frequently pleaded with God to spare my life so I could continue to serve Him. Of the many Bible promises sent by friends one particularly grabbed my attention: "But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength, that I might preach the Good News in all its fullness for all to hear. And He saved me from certain death" (2 Timothy 4:17).

I took that text as a promise and a challenge—marching orders if you will. So after I was declared cancer free, I decided I'd better not give God a reason to change His mind. I accepted the challenge for another Hope Channel series. I'm excited about this new opportunity to share my testimony around the world via satellite.

I Want You to Partner With Me

This eight-night, hour-long God So Loved satellite series will originate here in the Northwest, and is designed specifically for Northwest churches to downlink Nov. 10–17 at either 4 or 7 p.m. (Pacific) each evening. These are Christ-centered reaping meetings, but they will also help our own members and young people recommit to some of the basics of our message. Topics I'll be covering include:

My personal journey in the context of the great cosmic controversy

Secret rapture: Will you be left behind?

Spiritualism and end-time delusions

Assurance of salvation vs. cheap grace—bad news, good news

Authority of scripture vs. the apocrypha—God's communication channel

I have intentionally included some outstanding graphics, lots of stories, illustrations and even some humor to keep the attention of all ages. And the music for each night's program will be exceptional!

All It Takes is One

By now you've read the story of Zeke, the garbage man from Lewistown, Montana, in the GLEANER or seen the NW Spotlight on Mission. You may remember that Karl Johnson, the church's head elder, after hesitating, invited Zeke to the meetings. Zeke's response was, "What took you so long?" He came to the meetings and was baptized.

If we had just one person like Zeke in every church in the Northwest, imagine what that would be like. And it could be your invitation to a friend or neighbor that makes the difference.

Will This Really Work?

I remember Dwight L. Moody was confronted by a lady who said, "I don't like your kind of evangelism." To which Moody responded, "What is your kind?" She stammered and admitted she really wasn't doing much, to which Moody replied, "I like my kind better." I agree that, in this case, doing something is better than doing nothing.

Become Part of the Bigger Picture

God So Loved is a part of the MOMENTUM plan of one-week introductory or reaping meetings to be downlinked each fall and each spring across the North Pacific Union Conference and beyond. A systematic plan for soul winning, put into action, will breathe life into our Northwest churches. I hope you will talk to your pastor or head elder who has received additional information or go to www.NWevangelism.org and plan to join this great soul-winning opportunity.

Prayer Warriors

If you were at ASI or saw it on 3ABN, you may have heard the Mark Finley interview with the Adventist pastor from Zimbabwe. He has one associate, yet his church has grown from 400 to more than 20,000 in the last five years. When Finley asked about the key to his success, the pastor humbly said, "I get up at 2 a.m. every day and pray until 6 a.m." WOW! We need that power in the Northwest. Please join me in praying for this upcoming God So Loved series.

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Featured in: November 2007



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