Kids Make Noise in Church

The Springfield Church was no doubt the happiest place in all of Springfield as the children and youth used their voices and musical talents to praise God. They presented the church service—everything from songs, prayers, scripture and poetry reading to taking up the offering. Each child had a chance to say what they were thankful for. Most mentioned family, friends and Jesus, although one youngster enthusiastically said, "My trains!" Organizers Barbara Burns and Beth Whitsell believe that it is important for kids to feel that they are a necessary part of church.

"I can't remember the last time I saw so many smiles," said one member. "I played Jesus Loves Me!" said Hannah Seidel, smiling proudly. It is the goal of the Springfield Children's Ministries to regularly involve children in church services, to foster spiritual training, and to just let children know they are loved.

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Featured in: January 2008
