"Does God Like Me?" If you have a question for P. J. you may e-mail him at the address below and he will give it his best shot.

First of all, before we get to the question—let me say what a privilege and humble honor to be back in partnership with the GLEANER and have the opportunity to connect with youth from around the Northwest.

"Does God like me?" You know this is a question I have been plagued with during my years. I think most of us think so and if we looked deep enough inside, we would know it as well. He sent His only Son for us so I guess that does mean He likes us.

However, standing in the mirror looking at the reflection, you may wonder, really why would He like me? Jeremiah 1:5 says, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..."

So here's the simple answer to this question, "does God like me?" Yes, He does and the reason is simply: because of love, because He is the creator, because He has known you all along and most importantly because of Jesus.

I look forward to reading more of your questions and doing my best through Jesus' help to answer them. If you would like to send a question to me to answer here in the GLEANER please send your questions to "PJ" at gleaner@nw.npuc.org.

God be with each of you and remember keep looking uP!


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Featured in: February 2008


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