Milo's Program Comes Alive With Living Christmas Wreath

Elementary students, academy students and faculty members from Milo Academy joined together to tell the wonderful story of God's greatest gift to man in a unique way this Christmas. As visitors to Milo's Christmas concert walked into the sanctuary, their eyes were drawn to a lighted wreath at the church front. As the music changed and the lights faded, a glorious transformation took place. The wreath became a living depiction of the Christmas story.

Students from elementary school, usually active, changed into motionless living advent pictures, as they held their poses in the center of the large shadow wreath. Throughout the 90-minute concert, academy and elementary students blended talents to bless others with music and drama.

Under the direction of Dwight Morgan, Milo's music director, students transitioned from one meaningful scene into another, while the choirs, band and bell choirs expressed heartfelt emotion of each event. Melissa Owens, a sophomore from Fort Jones, Calif., played Mary and sang "A Miracle of Love," reminding us about the miracle of God's love for each.

Students from the elementary school have become an integral part of the music program, and as they practice and perform with academy students and faculty members, they learn not only to share their talents with others, but also to work together as part Christ's family. Matthew Kelley, sixth-grade clarinet and bell player, says playing with the academy students is "kind of exciting. We get to play harder music, and that's fun." When asked what it's like to play music with faculty members, he adds "they smile at me and tell me I can do it."

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Featured in: February 2008