Beaverton Church Young People Active in Ministry

When the Beaverton Church was looking for a youth and young adult leader about three years ago, Rodney Payne II was hired to help start an active ministry for this age-group. At the time, there was no specific Sabbath School program for young adults, and there were just a few scattered within the church. Payne started Sabbath Share, a time of Bible study and discussion on relevant topics. "Sabbath Share communicates that building friendships are key. Young adults crave a sense of community," says Payne. The program has been popular and well-attended and today, boasts an email list of more than 200 young adults.

In addition to their own class, the young adults are involved in the church. Their involvement includes helping with the praise team and church committees as well as doing community outreach events. One young adult even designed a new logo on the bulletin. Eric Ames, a young adult facilitator, was inspired to start a Wednesday night Bible study. Last Christmas, in conjunction with the youth, the young adults raised money to help a needy family with food and Christmas gifts.

The Beaverton youth have been active as well. Dick Baker, youth assistant, and Payne have been using their carpentry skills in remodeling the youth room to make it more comfortable and inviting. On a rotating basis, some of the youth are leading the Sabbath School class. Kit Houghton is a key player in youth leadership. Having been a prodigal child, he knows what it is like on the streets of Portland. Houghton started Jesus Feet, a "homeless ministry" that helps by simply passing out socks to the homeless in downtown Portland every quarter. "This is their greatest physical need," says Houghton.

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Featured in: April 2008
