Community Workshop in Grants Pass On Youth Issues

More than 50 professionals from the community along with area families came to the Grants Pass Church to participate in several seminars given by Blondel Senior. Senior, who holds a Ph.D. in sociology and criminology, is the founder and director of Advent Home, a ministry for hurting families and their teenage sons. Senior has spent more than 40 years consulting, teaching, counseling, writing and speaking.

His four-part series on "Raising Successful Children and Teens" was offered. Other classes included information on ADHD, anger management and appropriate discipline.

The meetings were underwritten by the local church and gained support from the Oregon Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, who gave continuing education credit to attending social workers. Rogue Community College also granted CE credits through the Community Education program, allowing many other professionals to earn credits.

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Featured in: April 2008
