Constituency Session Survey Part 4 – Family Life and Youth

"Members of the Upper Columbia Conference consider it a priority to educate and mentor their children and youth," says a poll taken at the conference's constituency session September 2007.

In the last of a four-part report about the results of polling taken at the 75th regular constituency session, delegates indicate the importance of Adventist education for their children, and how young people are involved in the church.

According to the poll, three-fourths of churches have people under age 30 involved in leadership, but the majority of churches only have one to three young people involved. More than 80 percent of the delegates' children have attended Adventist schools at some point in their education. The local Sabbath School and church service is where most delegates feel they get helpful, instructive support for their family.

"I'm encouraged by the number of families who have a commitment to Adventist education," says Richard Parker, UCC director of youth and family life. "But I'm also concerned by the poll's indication of the low number of young adults involved in the leadership of the church. This church was founded by young adults. The work needs to be finished by young adults, so it is important that we get them involved."

The number of individuals under age 30 involved in leadership in our congregation are (choose one):

Zero 25%

1–3 43%

4–6 16%

7 or more 15%

My children have attended Seventh-day Adventist schools.

Yes 82%

No 18%

I have donated to the Streams of Light campaign during the last four years.

Yes 52%

No 48%

My children attend(ed) Adventist schools at the following levels. (Choose all that apply): *

Elementary 31%

Secondary 32%

College/University 45%

My children were educated through (choose all that apply): *

1. Adventist school 52.6%

2. Home school 23.6%

3. Public school 32%

4. Non-Adventist private school 10%

My family receives helpful, instructive support through the following UCC ministries (choose all that apply): *

1. Adventist school 19.2%

2. Sabbath school 48.2%

3. Local Adventist worship service 59.6%

4. Vacation Bible School 16.6%

5. Youth camp 13.2%

6. Pastoral counseling 20.4%

7. Pathfinder or Adventurer clubs 16%

8. Adventist Community Services (ACS) 9.6%

9. None of the above 6.4%

* Where the delegates chose all that apply, percentage figures are based on a total voter count of 500 and does not necessarily total 100 percent.

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Featured in: April 2008
