GSAA Student Plans Mission Trip For Senior Project

"Next year, I want to organize a mission trip for my senior project. Would you be my mentor, Pastor Bryson?" The question led Bethany Lang, 17-year-old Gem State Adventist Academy senior on a mission adventure to Chile this past March with 22 other students and 10 adult sponsors. The trip was organized through the Idaho Conference Youth Department who partnered with Maranatha Volunteers International. The group built the Pompeya Seventh-day Adventist Church in Quilpue, Chile, and held a week of evangelistic meetings.

"I found out how working for the Lord is exciting and can be a big commitment," says Lang. John Bryson, Idaho Conference coordinator for youth ministries, and Lang served as co-leaders for the trip. For several months, Lang was involved with every aspect of the planning from initial applications, budgeting, personnel and scheduling from start to finish. "I loved seeing all of the team come together on the trip," she says.

The group spent four days in travel, seven days in construction, and eight days in evangelism. Bryson reflects, "Working with Lang was a pleasure and a joy. Her perspective as a teenager was important to the overall success of the trip, and I believe this experience of co-leading the group will be life-transforming for her."

Lang plans on working at Camp Ida-Haven this summer and attending Andrews University this fall. "It was her vision that made this trip possible," Bryson says.

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Featured in: June 2008
