Sandpoint Women Present Community Seminars

Rhonda Backman and Mary Campbell have been actively serving the community of Sandpoint, Idaho, by presenting health and wellness seminars.

The first seminar featured the Seven Secrets cookbook by Jim and Neva Bracket and a wonderful dinner showing people how easy it is to prepare tasty vegan meals. One attendee said, this cooking class "has been very informative and yummy."

A second seminar featured a virtual shopping experience with a video presentation by Vickie Griffin and Evelyn Christianson explaining how people can change their lifestyle by modifying their grocery shopping habits.

And a third seminar on natural healing techniques helped participants learn how to do simple water treatments, charcoal poultices and treatments for the common cold. Several members from the Sandpoint Church helped to make each seminar a success. Some led out in demonstrations while others greeted guests.

“Thank you for the cooking class and the natural remedies class. What a great ministry your church has and the wisdom to include Christ in your services,” says one community lady.

Other seminars included how to be free from addictive behavior, how to deal with stress and how food affects your memory, thought processes and learning.

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Featured in: June 2008