World News briefs - June 2008

Dominican Republic

President Donates Land to Adventists

The president of the Dominican Republic has donated 31 acres of public land to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. While presenting the gift he praised local Adventists for their natural kindness, saying it is clearly the result of God guiding their attitudes and behavior. The property has already been used by Adventist young people during annual retreats and will now be renovated to include additional service facilities.

SOURCE: Adventist News Network


Six-Day Work Week Worries Adventists

Adventist leaders in Kenya are calling on the government to suspend a proposal creating a six-day work week in the country. Church leaders say this would require civil servants to work on Saturdays, which would conflict with the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom. The proposed change could affect up to 15 percent of Kenya's civil servants.

SOURCE: Adventist News Network


Missionary Family Survives Plane Crash

Barry and Marybeth Mosier of Dodge Center, Minnesota, along with two of their children were aboard a DC-9 passenger jet when it crash-landed in an outdoor market in Congo. The Adventist family escaped the wreckage just moments before it exploded. The Mosier's 3-year-old son, Andrew, suffered a broken femur in the crash. The family was on their way to visit their eldest son, Keith, who leads Congo Frontline Missions.

SOURCE: Adventist News Network


Hundreds Baptized During Philippines for Christ

Nearly 900 people in the Philippines were baptized during the North Pacific Union Conference's Philippines for Christ 2008 mission trip, with additional baptisms expected in the coming months. The trip was a joint venture between NPUC, ShareHIM and The Quiet Hour. Evangelistic meetings were presented at over 20 sites in the San Pablo City region in the North Philippines Union Mission Territory.



ADRA Provides Small Business Training for Women

The Adventist Development and Relief Agency has helped more than 80 women in central Peru establish micro-businesses. The Women's Hands project provides the necessary training for women to start a business in laundry service, fabrics manufacturing or chocolate goods production. The enterprises have been met with so much success that several women are considering expanding their operations into neighboring towns. This three-year project was financed by a copper mining company in Peru.



Muslim Leaders Promote Mecca Time

Muslim scientists and clerics are calling for Mecca, rather than Greenwich, England, to be the location from which all time zones are measured. Mecca is a holy site to Muslims, who face its direction when performing daily prayers. Muslims argue that Greenwich Mean Time was imposed on the rest of the world when Britain was a colonial power. They also say Mecca is a more scientific choice because its longitude is in perfect alignment with magnetic north.


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