Tualatin Shares Roses With Community Moms

On Mother’s Day the Tualatin Church took their appreciation for moms beyond the walls of the church. Following the worship service, members prepared seven dozen roses with ribbon and attached a note that said, “Given in grateful appreciation to the mothers in our community.” The back read, “Provided by your friends, the Tualatin Seventh-day Adventist Church” and included the church’s Web site address.

The team took the flowers to a local neighborhood that had generously donated during a food drive last Thanksgiving. The roses were lovingly placed at the doors of these homes. Those who spotted the random act of kindness assumed it was a fund raising event. When they learned it was just a gesture of gratitude, many were impressed that a church would take the time and effort to do this. The church hopes that through these random acts of kindness they can show the community that they are a caring and loving group.

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Featured in: August 2008
