Kamiah Men's Weekend Reaps Spiritual Lessons

The Kamiah Church held a men’s camp out in early June. Men stayed in tents and campers; some even slept in their cars.

Dan Cole, pastor, led a discussion titled “Every Man’s Marriage." Men shared experiences and solutions to overcoming problems in their relationships.

On Sabbath morning, Seth Korponay led a two-hour discussion on the first chapter of James. The object of the discussion was to make faith a reality. In the afternoon, Bill Bosse, who is part of the church's Pathfinder staff, encouraged men to take a nature walk. The object of the walk was to find something in nature that teaches you about God’s salvation and share what you found when you returned.

Sabbath evening, Michael Cordes challenged the group to hold each other accountable and to put into practice what they learned.

As a result, men learned how to be more Godly husbands and better spiritual leaders for their families. Every man said it was a worthwhile venture they really enjoyed.

The group is planning to start a monthly men's group and also hopes to have another camp out yet this year.

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Featured in: September 2008
