Caldwell Church Grows Through Baptisms

As hot weather blazed through Idaho this summer and into fall, many hearts caught fire for Christ at the Caldwell Church. A record number of children attended Vacation Bible School. The Journey young adult group participated in multiple outings, including a zoo review and diner's club. Children and adults attended retreats, a campout and a harvest festival, and played volleyball, as well as going on hikes and scavenger hunts. Even more important than fellowship were the personal spiritual commitments kindled. Baptisms in all age-groups bore witness to God's saving grace.

In June, Jim Berglund, pastor, baptized Stephanie Barteni. Barteni began attending the Caldwell Church through her friend Amanda Mowery. Barteni enjoyed her recent Bible studies and says the baptism experience was fun, even though the water was cold. She likes chatting online and is exploring options for college. She is also interested in helping with the Beginner's Sabbath School class.

John Bryson, pastor, baptized Jared Miller, age 11, in August. Miller says his parents, Pastor Bryson, and four summers at Camp Ida-Haven influenced his walk with Jesus. Miller loves golfing, camping and dirt biking with his family. He enjoys math and uses his skills for Christ as he collects and counts offerings in his role as a junior deacon.

Other baptisms included Gene Sturgis, Carmen Sanchez, Stephenn Michael, and Amanda Mowery.

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Featured in: January 2009