Church Honors Veterans

The Yakima (Wash.) Church held a special service on Sabbath, Nov. 8, 2008, to honor veterans.

Months prior, Beverly Campbell, who had done a similar program in another church, began planning a service to honor veterans. She invited those in the congregation and other relatives, neighbors and friends to attend and participate.

The service featured patriotic music, including the National Anthem, the Pathfinder color guard and a spiritual message by Harry Sharley, pastor. As each veteran's name was read, he or she came to the front to receive a letter signed by former President Bush thanking them for their service to their country. In addition, they got a special frame containing their photo which had been used in a Power Point presentation by Carl Cottrell. By the time all the names were read, there were 48 veterans (many of them non-members) and family members representing loved ones in active service standing in front.

The service concluded with Rick Sloop, playing taps in memory of those who did not return. All veterans and families were invited to a special dinner following the service. Plans are underway for another program in two years.

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Featured in: February 2009
